Sunday, 6 July 2014

Why Boardgames?

Since starting this channel one of the things that happens to us a lot is this confused reaction of "Boardgames? What do you mean?" when we tell someone what our channel is about.

It is difficult to go into all the reasons why boardgames are so awesome, but people are genuinely interested to know why. So this summer Sweethearts or Rivals is going to put together a video to introduce people who are not into boardgames, to the reasons why we boardgamers love and play them. What better place to get some research done than at the BGG! 

So, what are we asking / looking for?

1. Why do you love playing boardgames?

2. What was the boardgame and/or boardgame moment that hooked you into being a boardgame addict?
3. Why should non-boardgamer's give today's boardgames a try and what boardgame would you suggest they try first?

We will read, respond, discuss your answers and suggestions, all to make the "Why Boardgames" video the best possible introduction to boardgames for non-boardgamers!

Weigh in at the BGG:

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