Wednesday, 14 May 2014

New SHoR Series: Woes of Providence

Warhammer FRP: Woes of Providence

Sweethearts or Rivals is proud to announce our new series: Woes of Providence.  This will be an ongoing RPG campaign set in the Old World of the Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play game, but using a blend of the WHFR Race/Class/Career system and the Providence system of Apocrypha Studios.

Justin - GM
Charla - Nightshade: Elven Rogue [ Thief of Loec ]
Krystle - Beatrix Lubrecht: Human Ranger [ Gamekeeper ]
Colin - Garen Ashhammer: Dwarven Warrior [ Mercenary ]
Kolten - Halbjorn Algirsohn: Human warrior [ Outlaw ]
Julian - Bridgett Radische: Halfling Rogue [ Agitator ]

The Gods begin another game, playing all their pawns against each other, with the fate of the Old World set as the ultimate prize.  The characters have back-stories that will be revealed within the campaign as they uncover why they have been chosen by the Gods.

The series will be broadcast live on our Twitch Channel:
and videos will be posted to our YouTube Channel:

Title art by Nooblar
The Providence System can be downloaded for free in the Seven Crows RPG
based on the Seven Crows novel by Justin Killam.