Monday, 17 February 2014

SHoR: First Milestone

Over 1000 Views!

Two weeks ago we launched Sweethearts or Rivals: boardgame reviews and live play-thrus.  We started with a couple of videos, a YouTube channel, a Twitch channel, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Vine, and Instagram pages, no fans, and a lot of hope to have some fun!

A minor milestone to be sure, but still a milestone!  Over a 1000 views on our YouTube channel along with 23 subscribers and 15 videos, followers on Twitch, a super-fun live Valentine's Day special, and some vocal and muchly appreciated fans.

We are loving the whole thing and can't wait to game it up some more.  We hope you join us!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Valentine's Day Special

Valentine's Day...  Like a loving husband I asked my wife out to a fancy dinner at an amazing restaurant with the intention of treating her to a romantic night out. When she found out how much the dinner was going to cost she exclaimed, "What!  We could buy two really good games for that amount!  Nah...  Lets just stream a bunch of sweetheart fun games!"

And there you have it folks, Sweethearts or Rivals will be streaming a series of live games on our twitch channel ( ) Valentine's Evening.  We will be playing some of our funnest/cutest games, games like; Takenoko, Tokaido, Bora Bora, Council of Verona, and Steam Park.  We may play more, we may play others, so tune in!  Game wins will be tallied and the winner will claim the coveted Valentine's Day Heart of Romantic Fantastic Awesomeness!

Hope to see you there, the chat will be live and we would love to answer questions and read your comments.  If you miss it, we will archive the games on our YouTube channel for you to enjoy later!

Happy Valentine's Day!